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Promo Video for the mobile app WANNA Nails

Wanna Nails cover

Wanna Nails enables people to try-on nail polish in augmented reality. The app helps to experiment with the selection of color or a combination of colors depending on the lighting, skin color and style. Computer vision algorithms provide realistic colors and shades.


Our goal

The promo video must to show the whole functions of the app Wanna Nails and help to get a good partnership with big brands and retailers.

«We began from nails and hands because we’re inspirable of ModiFaces’ company experience that was bought by L’Oreal, according to word of mouth, for a very big sum of money. We decided that the range of items which users could try-on for hands enough big — rings, watches, bracelets.»

But this decision was wrong and Wannaby after started app Wanna Nails needed in the brilliant Promo video to find the famous brands and retailers like a partnership. It was the first and main goal of the video.


Wanna Nails product video

The Results


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